Wednesday 21 September 2011

'Little house on the Prairie'

I am sat at our upstairs window, at the new workspace, ready to accomplish great things! The neighbour's dog barks at the metal fence in which he is caged and behind me I hear the sounds of my cat getting her midday snack. There is a tall walnut tree in the backyard where the grey squirrels hide and play and the grass in the back garden needs mowing but that is for another day! The sun is coming around to the back of the house and soon it will stream in through the narrow window warming up the room.

Yes, it has been a period of transition for us all. Life is slowly settling down in this small Midwestern locale and as I arrange things in this wee house it is gradually turning into a home for us. Vaike is happy here as she chases odd bits of fluff, pounces on some unsuspecting insect and runs around with her favourite rubberband all around the house and down to the basement.

The wind has picked up outside and I remember that I have to get ready for an afternoon meeting but its nice to sit here awhile and take it all in . Moving continents was stressful and we seem to have been in motion ever since. Where is the time to sit still? I can hear the chorus of the swishing leaves outside but there is no noise of traffic like in our old flat in the city. The trees are changing colour and soon Autumn will reveal herself in all her glory.

Soon my birthday will arrive and I will be a year older... India and Europe seem far away. I miss the sea, luminous and radioactive though it might have been. The meandering river that runs past our house makes up for it and the bluffs(cliffs) that overhang the river valley lend a raw edge to this rather flat prairie land. The cornfields stretch for miles and deer seem to pop out of nowhere when they emerge dangerously onto the road. Canoeing on the river is exciting and a good way to spend an afternoon. The roads in town are familiar now and the landmarks seem friendly like the church spires of Tallinn. We are still in transition - no roots have been laid, yet some ties have been established.

'Let's go then, you and I' said Eliot and as we take our first steps on this road and move towards new adventures wish me luck....

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